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Adult Studies

Autism Center of Excellence (ACE) - Advancing Research on Adult Mental Health and Suicide


  • Adults ages 18- to 65-years-old
  • With or without autism 
  • With suicidal ideation

The ACE aims to learn information that can be used to create treatments for autistic adults who live with thoughts of suicide. We also hope to gain more knowledge and understanding about factors that relate to mental health and quality of life for autistic adults. 

EASE + UP: Emotion Regulation Intervention Trial


  • Individuals with an autism diagnosis, age 12-25 years old
  • Have difficulties with regulating their emotions
  • Able to communicate ) and participate in therapy
  • No current signs of psychosis, substance abuse, or mania

This upcoming study will compare EASE to a standardized cognitive behavioral therapy across ten community mental health clinics in the Western PA region and in Alabama. This study will be for ages 12- to 25-years-old and is open to those with or without intellectual disability. 

Reproductive Healthcare Study


Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh want to learn more about experiences of autistic people in reproductive healthcare.

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Autism Suicidality Index (ASI) - Online Study

Enrollment Closed:

The purpose of this study is to develop a new measure of suicidality called the Autism Suicidality Inventory (ASI). The ASI is a survey that measures suicidality in autistic adolescents and adults. The ASI was developed in partnership with autistic teens and adults.  The availability of such a measure is key to inform intervention development to improve safety and quality of life. We hope to learn information that can be used to support mental health for autistic people.

Emotion Dysregulation Inventory (EDI) -Self Report

Enrollment Closed: The EDI-SR study is focused on developing a self-report questionnaire version of the Emotion Dysregulation Inventory for ages 11 through adulthood.

Autism Inpatient Collection (AIC)

Enrollment Closed: The Autism Inpatient Collection (AIC) is a multisite study of patients admitted to specialized psychiatric inpatient units for autism. It is focused on improving understanding of those who are profoundly affected in terms of limited speaking ability, intellectual disability, severe emotion dysregulation, aggression, or self-injury. 

Relationships, Employment, Autonomy, and Life Satisfaction (REALS)

Enrollment Closed: The REALS study is focused on developing a new questionnaire for autistic adults and adults with other developmental disabilities of concepts important to adult life.