The University of Pittsburgh Autism Center of Excellence (ACE): Advancing Research on Adult Mental Health and Suicide
Funded by: National Institutes of Health
Principal Investigator: Carla Mazefsky, PhD
Status: Active, enrolling
What is the study about?
The ACE aims to learn information that can be used to create treatments for autistic adults who live with thoughts of suicide. We also hope to gain more knowledge and understanding about factors that relate to mental health and quality of life for autistic adults.
Participants will answer questions about their thoughts, feelings, and experiences. They will also use different kinds of technology (physiological sensors, fMRI) so we can learn about their bodies and brains.
This is a research study. This study does NOT include treatment.
- Am I right for the study?
- We are looking for adults ages 18 - 65
- Participants must be willing and able to complete ALL parts of the study
- This study is open to autistic adults AND non-autistic adults
- We need participants who have active or recent thoughts of suicide AND those who have never thought of suicide
- Participants must be able to safely undergo a brain scan
This study may not be right for you if you...
- Have certain types of metal in your body that cannot be removed for the day of the scan
- Are taking certain medications that cannot be stopped for the day of the scan
- Are unable to lie still in an enclosed space for 1.5 hours
- Have a history of stroke or loss of consciousness
- Are pregnant
- What would I do in the study?
This study will take one year in total, but:
- Steps 1-4 can take as little as a month to complete
- Step 5 consists of repeat surveys and interviews that will happen at 6 months and 12 months
- There will be no other testing between these steps, only waiting time
Step 1: In-person Interviews & Surveys (3-4 hours):
- You will complete interviews and surveys about yourself.
- You will be asked about traits of autism and suicide.
Step 2: Wearable Sensors (Physiology) & Phone Surveys (2 weeks):
- You will wear sensors on your chest and ankle or wrist as you go about your daily activities.
- The sensors are similar to fitness monitors. They will collect information about your body throughout the day.
- You will carry a phone provided to you by the study. You will answer 8 surveys throughout each day. Each survey can be answered in 2-5 minutes.
Step 3: Online Surveys (1-2 hours):
- You will fill out online surveys about yourself.
- You can do them wherever you want. You do not have to do them all at one time.
- We ask that you finish the surveys within 2 weeks.
Step 4: Brain Scan (fMRI) (3 hours):
- You will do emotion and sensory tasks in a scanner while we take pictures of your brain and record your eye movements.
- You will spend about 1.5 hours in the scanner. You must wear earplugs during the scan.
- If you've never done a brain scan, we can help you get comfortable with the sounds and environment before the appointment.
Step 5: Online Surveys & Video Interviews (1-2 hours):
- We will ask you to repeat some of the same surveys and interviews from steps 1 and 2
- This will happen twice, 6 months and 12 months after you begin
- You can do the surveys online and the interviews by video call, or, do them both in our research offices.
- Will I be paid?
You will be paid up to $735 for the completion of all study activities.
Find out more:
Email or call 412-912-8231 to speak with a study staff member.