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Research Highlights

Members of the Pitt REAACT lab will be presenting at the annual International Society for Autism Research (INSAR) Conference. This event will take place May 3-6 in Stolkholm, Sweden, but stay tuned for a look at these talks online right here and on our Youtube Channel


Carla Mazefsky, Ph.D. 

Presenting work authored by Safaa Eldeeb, Ph.D.

    Identification of Four Clusters with Distinct Emotional and Behavioral Presentations in a Large, Representative Sample of Autistic Youth: The Influence of Emotional Reactivity and Aggression

    May 6 | 10:30AM-12:30PM | Mässvägen 1

    Shalini Sivathasan, Ph.D.

    Aggression and Its Relation to Emotional Reactivity in Preschoolers with and without Neurodevelopmental Delays 

    May 6th| 10:30AM-12:30PM | Mässvägen 1

    Jessie B. Northrup, Ph.D.

    Predictors of Parent Responses to Child Negative Emotions in Parents of Young Autistic Children

    May 5th  |   3:00PM-5:00PM | LOCATION

    INSAR Early Career Investigator Award Slifka/Ritvo Innovation in Autism Research Award


    Kelly Beck, Ph.D., LPC, CRC

    The World’s Really Not Set up for the Neurodivergent Person: Understanding Emotion Dysregulation and Mental Health Needs from the Perspective of Autistic Adults

    May 4th | 11:30 AM – 1:30 AM | Mässvägen 1

    Kristen MacKenzie, Ph.D., M.S.W.

    Contributors to Family Life Impairment for Families of Young Autistic Children

    May 4 |  11:30 AM-1:30 PM  | Mässvägen 1

    Kate Kielty, MD

    Epilepsy in Autism: Prevalence and Associated Factors in a Large Inpatient Psychiatric Sample

    May 5 | 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM | Mässvägen 1

    Ligia Antezana, Ph.D

    The Moderating Role of Reward Activation on the Link between Rumination and Depressive Symptoms in Autistic Adolescents

     May 4th| 5:30PM-7:00PM | Mässvägen 

    INSAR Diversity Award