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What is PAARCC? 

PAARCC is a group of eight adults - including autistic adults, parents of autistic children, and community members - that meet monthly with University of Pittsburgh Autism Researchers. We work on generating research ideas, provide oversight and advise to researchers, and share valuable lived experience with autism researchers. PAARCC works together to ensure that science is relevant to realistic and practical needs of autistic people and their families. 

History of the Group:

PAARCC was integral to the Autism Center of Excellence (ACE) grant proposal. The group was founded and is led by Dr. Kelly Beck of the University of Pittsburgh in December of 2021 towards this goal. 

PAARCC held its first monthly meeting in January 2022 and has met monthly since. Since its inception, PAARCC has been involved in the initial planning stages and submission of 4 grant proposals.

Past & Current Projects: 

PAARCC is central to the Pittsburgh Autism Center of Excellence (ACE) project. Our group has worked on research protocols, advertising, and other materials to communicate clearly with participants and share this science with the autistic community. This team met for the first time in 2023.

Additionally, PAARCC members named the Relationships Employment Autonomy and Life Satisfaction (REALS) scale. They also provided input to the investigators on the usefulness of the REALS and made suggestions on how to best disseminate REALS into the community.

Members identified improving public school environments as a top priority for autism research. Drs. Kelly Beck and Carla Mazefsky responded by developing the SUN Collaborative Project to support public school efforts to create  school environments that help keep neurodivergent students integrated and less reliant on individual modifications. 

PAARCC members co-present with Core REAACT faculty on how to best clinically support autistic people, including presenting continuing education presentations to UPMC staff and healthcare professionals.