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EASE + UP Study old

This study is currently active and enrolling participants 


What is the study about?

We are testing two mental health therapies:

  • Emotion Awareness and Skills Enhancement (EASE)
  • Unified Protocol (UP)

Both programs teach skills to help understand and process emotions.

They both use an affirming approach that encourages personal development, and both involve 16-20 weekly therapy sessions.

Our goal is to find out which program is more helpful for autistic people.


Am I right for this study?

We are looking for:

Autistic teens and young adults ages 12-25 who want to strengthen their emotion regulation skills.

  • The study is open to people with a range of communication abilities. Participants must be able to consent to the study themselves and answer questions about themselves.
  • Participants need to have a support person that could answer questions about them too. This could be a parent, caregiver, family member, partner or friend. 
  • Participants must live in Alabama or Pennsylvania.


What would I do in the study?

  • Attend approximately 16-20 weekly therapy sessions, which can be in-person or telehealth with providers from our partnering community mental health clinics.
  • Complete surveys and interviews at four different times.


Will I be paid? 

You will be compensated for completing surveys and interviews associated with the study.


How do I find out more?


Madison Bradley



Kara Duman


Caregiver Information Sheet

Participant Information Sheet


Funded by: PCORI

Principal Investigators: Susan White, PhD, and Carla Mazefsky, PhD